Saturday, June 12, 2010

Changes at the official EFT website

If you know very much about EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, you know that the creative engineer behind EFT is Gary Craig. Gary announced in December to the emotional response of his followers that due to unexpected health concerns, he was going to retire. For months, we've all been waiting what would still be available for us who know and love the technique so much. We've missed the weekly newsletters. But June 1 has come and gone and much of the EFT site remains the same.

It has been turned over to another very capable person. The long awaited PTSD DVD will be out soon announcing to the world what EFT is really capable of. There are some differences. So far, no weekly newsletter but I am sure that will be forthcoming. Trainings have changed but are still available. Hooray! No DVD's but I have them all. Copies can be made and shared. There are books now available through the site. And Gary's name has been removed from everything except the page showing him as the EFT founder.

I hope we'll see more of Gary in the future. Until then, you can see the new website below. It looks almost the same.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Science of what???

Getting rich?

Maybe I've mentioned this book before. I love it. The first time I read it, it went way, way over my head. The second time, I wondered where that book had been all my life. Rich can be defined in many ways, and although the stated purpose of the book is to show a scientific way of getting rich, it also shows how to experience a very rich life, no matter where you are. So, here's a pal of mine from the SOGR network. He did this presentation for the first chapter of the book. I really like it. Great work Croz!

and to find out more about the SOGR network, go here:

Science of Getting Rich