Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays--no offense meant, none taken

So, I felt the need to express my opinion. I used to be REALLY opinionated and would be happy to tell you my opinion on just about anything. But, I finally realized most of the stuff I had opinions on were none of my business and just riled other people up. I prefer peace. Most of the time.

So, I used to get really upset about the Merry Christmas thing. But really, who does it hurt, if I am getting all excited about people not wishing me Merry Christmas? There are multiple holidays from Thanksgiving to New Year, so isn't it appropriate for someone to wish me a Happy Holidays? Maybe they are just covering all their bases, or holidays. As my oldest son used to say all the time, "I'm just sayin'." 

And even if someone does wish me Happy Holidays, I can still reply "and a Merry Christmas to you too." One of my friends today on Facebook wrote "Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays to everyone else who might not want a Merry Christmas." Well, I think that is a pretty good attitude. If someone doesn't want to have a Merry Christmas or wish you one, why should we get all upset about it? No reason. 

We Merry Christmas wishers all know THE REASON for the season, so really, sticks and stones, don't you think? A Happy Holidays is really not going to break our bones will it? I think if we take all the pent up emotion we have about getting grinchy about other people's season's greetings, and pray for them, or put a few coins in the Salvation Army bucket instead of trying to slide by while their backs are turned, we could really do a lot more. (Oh yeah, The SA santas aren't at very many locations anymore, oops).

And insisting that everyone say Merry Christmas, really makes me want to say Happy Holidays all the more. I can get a little stubborn sometimes. :-) Thus the title of this note. Is anyone still with me? Haha. One more thought. It's like someone saying hello to you (a happy greeting) and insisting they say I love you instead. "Happy Holidays." It's a really nice, happy greeting. And yet, we wanted to throw it back in the givers face by insisting they say Merry Christmas. I'm just sayin"......LOL.

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